About This Blog

Bonjour à tous, Je suis Alexia de France. Comme le titre l'indique, ce blog est à propos de prodiges musicaux! J'espère que tout le monde aime mon blog!
J'ai fait ce blog pour reconnaître les enfants musicales

Hello everyone, I'm Alexia from France. As the title suggests, this blog is about music prodigies! I hope everyone enjoys my blog!

This is a fan-made page and therefore,I own nothing, all pictures taken from google and their respective websites.

I made this blog to recognize musical kids.
Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/AlexiaJuben

Friday 17 August 2012

Umi Garrett

Umi Garret is a well known pianist. She has performed with many orchestras in many country despite her young age. She doesn't play music, she IS music. Umi Garrett is fluent in both English and Japanese. Umi has been recognised by many experts as a child prodigy.Umi played Liszt's note-dazzling "Dance of the Gnomes" ("Gnomenreigen"), showing her ability to compete with most any touring adult (she plays this piece on YouTube at age 8!) Her only age-related limitation was that she possessed a limited dynamic range. But in a few years, she'll be able play as soft or as loud as anybody, with larger hands and longer arms. Having a talent this great this early, one wonders just where her abilities as an adult will take her.Now Umi is just a master of the piano!

To find out more about Umi Garrett:
Umi's website
Umi's youtube channel
Umi's twitter
Umi's myspace account
Umi's wiki page


  1. I hope she lasts through here childhood years and continues. After childhood they sound just like everyone else so they loose the spotlight because they are not young anymore.

  2. We could make joint work :P http://artheralds.wordpress.com/
